Welcome to Ecome’s 7th NVC community experience!
Join us in living and searching together: How can NVC support us in creating the world we want to live in? How can NVC strengthen us and our communities?
In this 9 days retreat we will create a space to learn NVC in different skill levels, to explore various topics such as social change, healing, gender and more and to connect in a unique community experience. There will be also spaces available for the community to make offerings.
Bring your gifts and your longings and let’s get together!
Find all details about location, tracks, trainers, prices and registration in the Flyer English. (This is the flyer for last years event. The flyer for 2018 will follow soon)
Next Date: Dates for 2018 will be published soon.
Location: EcoME center, Israel/Palestine (www.ecomecenter.org)
Feel free to contact me with any questions!